
Posts Tagged ‘flowers’

About a month old now, and their tail almost fully grown, these baby ruby throats are now feeding at flowers; honey-suckle, and Butterfly bushes, Petunias, and very soon Lobelia. They spent much of their feeding time at the feeders — until this week. The feeders are full and still have 20-30 hummingbirds at any time, mostly adults, but I have noticed a change in the juveniles, honing their nectar feeding skills at succulent flowers. They will be leaving in less than a month and I believe this will be a necessary skill for their long migrations. This bird is a juvenile Male and has (not viewable in photo) 2-3 red spots on the left side of his throat. He has also chased adult males away from the bush on may occasions; establishing dominance. I took these with the Giant Swallowtail photos I took yesterday.  Sorry, I did not have great light in this photo as it was taken a 1/2500th of a second, with a Canon 70D and a Canon EF300L f 2.8 IS lens:







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